Thursday, April 26, 2012

Smee Stripes

I am really in love with stripes right now.  Due to my constant wearing of stripes, I have begun to fear that I may look a bit like Smee, Captain Hook's sidekick. Luckily, unlike him, my striped shirts do cover my stomach.  But who cares if I sometimes resemble a Disney character, stripes make me happy! They probably did the same for Smee right? 
                                     Wanted ahoy skimmers, $39.00  
                       Bungalow Stripe Panarama  shorts, $59.50  

Friday, April 20, 2012

S'mores Pie

Chocolate S'mores Pie

Being a Texan, I associate s'mores as being a fall/winter camp food. But my friends from up North say that to them, s'mores are a summer bonfire food. To me this discovery means that s'more can be a year round food! This amazing pie from Vegetarian Times makes it possible to have the amazing combo of graham cracker, chocolate, and marshmallow minus the stick and the fire.  I made it last fall for a party, and just recently for Easter.  Both times it was a hit, further proving its year round perfection. Here is the recipe...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'll bring dessert

I really like to make desserts.  I like to cook as well and am always on the lookout for new vegetarian recipes, but that is something I have to do to eat good food.  Making a dessert is different.  It is not really practical or necessary to make a pie, tart, or cookies, but man is it more fun for me than making a tofu stir fry.  

I feel this way for a few reasons... 
  1.  I love desserts and most things containing a combination of butter and sugar (I'm not alone in admitting this I hope.)
  2.  People seem genuinely happy when you provide them with a dessert
  3.  It is fun to make something rich and unhealthy and frivolous since most of the things I make as meals are very much the opposite.

My 84 year old Nana is a baker like you have never seen before.  She is also just an amazing all around comfort food extraordinaire in the kitchen. This has always provided a great opposite to my vegetarian ways since her version of veggies would never be without butter and cheese.  Over the past few years, I have been learning her baking tricks. I have always taken pie (her specialty) for granted since I have been supplied with her pies my whole life.  But since I started making them myself, I have seen the power of being the dessert provider. 

I have noticed that people love getting sweet stuff that they "shouldn't be eating."  If I wasn't teaching kids all day I would even be cool enough to make people a pie for no reason and show up all "surprise I made you a pie, just because" style.  But until I have that kind of time, energy, and sugar supply, I'm always happy to whip up something for the next event on the calendar.  Oh, and did I mention that getting to eat some myself is the other reason I will always be happy to make dessert?    

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Starting a new project: Hexagons

A few years ago, my Mom and I decided to each make granny squares for an afghan that we would create together. I love this afghan, and feel terrible that I have kidnapped it from her even though she did more than half the work. So we have decided to make another that she can have. We had a blast buying lots of colors of Lamb's Pride yarn the first time around, and have decided to work with it again.

I have not worked on a crochet project for awhile, so I am excited about trying this hexagon block pattern from Seeing her blog would make anyone want to pick up a hook and start crocheting.  We chose a selection of blues. I'm ready to start making some hexagons!                                                                                                                                    

Friday, April 13, 2012

Summer Berry Salad

So simple and so perfect. I could eat this every day. Just add some chopped fresh mint and lemon juice to berries (and a little sugar or honey if you want to amp up the sweetness.) This is so good for breakfast with yogurt and honey, alone, or with vanilla ice cream for dessert.  

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Summer = berries!

The horrific hot Texas summer is on the way. The count down to 100 degree days begins.The coming of the heat signifies a few things for me... 

1. I wont be able to wear pants anymore 
2. I will sweat during a 10 foot walk to my car
3. The only outdoor activity on my list will be swimming 
4. There will be tons of delicious summer berries available!

I'm not looking forward to the heat, but I am looking forward to using berries in everything. I'm thinking smoothies, fruit tarts, strawberry shortcake, and berry fruit salad with mint and lemon juice.  Bring on the berry recipes!