Sunday, June 2, 2013

Whew! Ok, I'm back

It has been far too long dear blog.  I have thought about blog posts many times, and am now officially back.  I found out that I was pregnant in early March which we are both so excited about.  But the first trimester was a tough one, and creating anything but a tiny person just felt out of the question.  I who love to craft, cook, etc. couldn't handle the sight, smell, or thought of most foods, and didn't have any creative juices.  When I wasn't making it through a day at work, I could be found taking a nap or...well, that was kind of it.  I was not friends with food.  All I could handle eating was fruit, milk, and graham crackers.  (Now that I say it it sounds pretty delicious, but at the time it had lost its charm.)

I had always picture that when I was pregnant I would jump straight into maternal craftiness and that pregnancy would be finally be the motivation I needed to bump up to a whole new level of healthy eating.  Instead I just powered through the past few months eating what I could handle (which was sometimes milkshakes), and sleeping. So, now that the first trimester is behind me, I have some energy to do things besides work and sleep.  I have fallen in love with eating with some serious gusto, and I am getting really excited about the baby since it feels more and more real as I grow out of my jeans.  So I am felling much more like the pregnant self I had hoped for, but still with more milkshakes going down the hatch than kale. :)  Bring on this new adventure!  

p.s. It's a girl! Due 11.1.13

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